About Us
Magnetic Marine is located in the coastal city of Townsville in the north of Queensland, Australia. Townsville is the gateway to the many Island Resorts & reef areas of the Great Barrier Reef which runs down the north east coast of Autralia. This area is ideally suited to the operation of Catamarans, both power & sail, as the coast is protected from the Pacific Ocean swells by the almost continuous line of the Great Barrier Reef.
Jon Peters is the founder & owner of Magnetic Marine. He brings to the business 40 years of experience in the marine industry both in Australia & overseas.
The factory is well equipped with an extensive range of machinery, including CNC machines, to improve the quality of production.
The office is managed by Kym, who handles all inquiries & financial matters.
Paul Hayford joined the team before Christmas 2013 & is proving to be a valuable contributor to the production process. He has brought with him good fibreglassing skills & excellent problem solving abilities, which are essential for this type of modular assembly.