1: BLKHD FWeight 16 kgPart: 2 off.Lay-up of 1 * 460 Uni +0, 1 * 900 Uni +90, 30mm contour 45kg with grid score 40mm * 40mm between contour cuts bored at GS intersections. All contour cuts were broken through. Top side 1 * 900 +90, 1 * 460 +0. Opening cut out 900 * 600 with 150 rad. Underside glass extending into opening 30mm Top side glass wrapped around opening edge to mesh with underside lay up. Infusion time 10 min. 27 * 1mm cabinet edge tape inserted in contour cut used to halt resin flow between separate infusion areas. 6kg of resin used for each component.
2: BLKDH E Weight 32 kgPart: 2 offLay-up of 1 * 460 Uni +0, 1 * 900 Uni +90, 30mm contour 45kg with grid score 40mm * 40mm between contour cuts bored at GS intersections. All contour cuts were broken through. Top side 1 * 900 +90, 1 * 460 +0. Infusion time 15 min. 27 * 1mm cabinet edge tape inserted in contour cut used to halt resin flow between separate infusion areas. 11kg of resin was used for each component.
3: BLKHD DWeight. 12 kgPart:4 off 2 * 460 uni @ 0 & 90 both sides. 80kg Grid scored & Bored 12mm foam with 150mm of material surrounding opening on all sides. Glass lay up as with F.3kg resin used. This panel will form the end of half the hull. An identical panel will form the end of the other half of the hull. When the 2 halves of each hull are joined these bulkheads will be glued & clamped to form a strong internal joint for the two sections.
Weight: 22 kgPart: 2 Off1 * 460 uni & 1 * 900 uni both sides. 80kg grid scored & bored 12mm foam. 5.5kg resin used per panel.
Weight: 14 kg
Part: 2 Off.
1* 460 uni & 1 * 900 uni both sides. 80kg grid scored & bored 20mm foam. 3.5kg resin used per panel.
BLKHD B being nested & cut out on the CNC machine.
6: BLKHD A Weight: 13kgPart: 8 in total.This set up consists of BLKHD A with the Wing Deck BLKHD above. This section will be cut off when removed from the table. The rectangular panel will be cut on the CNC machine to be 2 off FO 0 & 2 off SO 0. The resin was fed into all panels simultaneously & with a common vacuum line. All panels are 12mm GS foam with 2 * 460 uni @ 0 & 90. Worked successfully as all panels had same max distance to travel at vacuum end. 7kg of resin used all up.
7: BLKHD G Weight: 16kgPart: 2 off.Here we have 2 bulkheads set up side by side with cellophane tape separating them.Both panels are 12mm GS foam with 1 * 460 uni & 1 * 900 uni each side.900's are next to foam & at 90 deg. to each other. 460's are outside & also at 90 deg.
8: BLKHDS for Bridge Deck front & nacelle.Weight: 10kgPart: 2 off for eachThese panels were fed from a single resin line. Started with full vacuum. Infusion slowed down with 5% not infused near vacuum line. A check revealed that the vacuum shut off was closed & the vacuum had dropped to zero. Turned tap back on & completed infusion successfully, love this system. Glad it wasn't an hull panel. Used electrical tape as separator between panels as it adhered better to the foam than cello tape.All panels are 12mm GS foam with 2 * 460 uni @ 0 & 90 both sides.
9: FORWARD BEAM at Bulkhead B.Weight: 30 kgPart: 1 OffThis bulkhead separates bedrooms from bridge deck front (anchor well).It is the main structural beam forward. Panel is 20mm GS Foam with 2 layers of 460 uni @ 0 & 90 on rear face & 2 layers of 900 uni on forward face.Total bulkhead weight 165kg