BEDROOM PARTITIONWeight: 32 kg Part: 2 off spaced at 90mm. 2 panels with one setup. Cut outs for access for internal adhesion. 2 layers of 460 uni @ 0 & 90 both sides of 12mm GS foam. No problems.
BEDROOM SALOON PARTITIONSWeight: 48 kg Part: 4 off, matching with 2 port & starboard. Similar setup as Bdrm Partition 2 panels displayed. L shaped for louvre window to allow vis forward from saloon. 2 layers of 460 uni @ 0 & 90 both sides of 12mm GS foam. The 2 panels were separated by 12mm poly tube with glass over to allow separation by angle grinder with glass to edge. Resin could track along tube so vacuum line had no perforations within 300mm of tube exit. Worked successfully. Dusty to separate.
Three partitions for SHOWER/HEAD.Weight: 40 kgPart: Three, Galley/Shower Partition with door ,Shower/Head partition with door & Bathroom/Saloon partition.Entrance door is between G/S Part & B/S Part.All panels infused as 1 with 3mm * 11mm MDF strip wrapped in packaging tape separating them. Doorway to be cut out later on CNC machineAll panels using 12mm GS foam with 2 layers of 460 uni @ 0 & 90 each side.
Total weight of Accommodation panels 120 kg
Photos show Port & Starboard sides infused as a handed pair. A tricky set up as a 100 mm strip of MDF was set on it's edge down the centre line to achieve a vertical 10mm lip of all glass layers to allow for adhesion between the bridge deck & the hull deck. The 45 mm edge radii are at the outside edges. 3 resin lines were used. The centre one was set on top of the MDF.Vacuum lines were set outside each edge radius.
Centre of effort is located 200 mm before station 5
LOWER CABIN SIDES.Total Weight for all Parts; 67 Kg
These 2 photos show the 2 back sections of the panel being made. As seen in the photos the infusion worked very well.
We are now holding the poly tube straight with mono filament fishing line and attaching the resin & vacuum lines midlength by stretching the nylon bag over the bayonet. To reduce the chance of a vacuum leak by having a fold in the nylon we cut half of the bayonet off to reduce the amount of stretch required.
These are the two front sections of the lower side panels. Set up was similar to the two rear sections. The cut outs are at the front of the bedroom section. Two 2 drawer banks will be fitted in each of these cut outs. The drawer banks will be flush with the bedroom wall and extend into the side decks below the steps.
Total Weight for both parts; 58 Kg
Centre of effort is station 5
These panels were set up with the windows cut out and a 10mm radius machined on the inside face of the foam.The plan is to fit the windows from inside using windscreen adhesive. A 20mm lip was left around the window opening to give adhesion to the face of the glass. We feel this will be plenty strong enough to hold the window in place during extreme conditions. A huge amount of force is required to remove a car windscreen from the inside.
The panels had 0ne resin infusion line along the top edge and across the top of the 300mm radius with a second infusion line below the window cut outs. 14 Kg of resin was used to infuse each panel. The resin line at the top of the 300mm radius worked very well. Infusion took 10 to 15 minutes for each panel. Photos below show the set up on the table, inside and outside after removal from the table and the finished outside face ready for assembly. The rear window of the port side has been to accommodate the partition between the shower and head.
Weight; 23 Kg Location; 3300mm
Because we have a CNC machine we have decided to use a different approach to this panel. We are going to attempt to infuse it as a completed panel with the curve created using "Rhino" and the windows set up ready for glazing.This method allows us to set the panel up with fully sealed window surrounds.
These three images show the set up of the frames to match the curve taken from the Rhino program. 4 sheets of 4mm framing ply were used to line the frame. The joints between the sheets were not sealed against vacuum. The white laminate was then applied to the ply using spray contact. The joints between the sheets of laminate were offset from the ply joints to give a smoother joint.Each joint in the laminate was sealed using 50mm Scotch duct tape which has very good adhesive properties. Tests have shown that the vacuum seal remains intact with the applied pressure of the panel under vacuum. The two 300 mm curves will be set up in place at the ends of the foam to get their correct positions.
The above images show the vacuum table complete with the two 300mm radius molds for the edge radii and the completed successful infusion.There was a slight vacuum leak, but this was overcome by dropping the vacuum to 15 inches as soon as the infusion was complete. there was slight drainage of resin from the top 100mm of the two 300mm radii, but otherwise, the infusion went surprisingly well.
The advantages of this assembly method are; The ability to preset the upper and lower 300mm radii lateral distances.( This means that at assembly time we do not need to shape and glass the inside of the panel. ) and the ability to cut out the windows as a flat panel on the CNC machine and set their radius (at 3260mm according to Rhino) to be created at the appropriate time in the future. The disadvantage of this method was that we had to tilt the panel forward to about 45 degrees ( the same angle as the flybridge front panel) to get it to line up with the side panels. The result of this is that we had to cut 200mm off the bottom of the panel and extend the surface of the anchor deck panel where it meets the side sections of the window panel. We have still maintained the symmetry of the design, increased the shoulder room in the front corners but reduced the lower front corners by about 120mm. The 2 images below show the test assemby of the top sections of the cabin structure.