NACELLE BOTTOM.Weight 12 kgPart 1 off2 * 460 Uni @ 0 & 90 both sides of 12mm GS 80 kg foam.45mm edge radius on 3 sides. Vacuum at wide end. 2 holes in panel are for inspection hatches accessible from under to service deck fittings & store survival gear in case of capsize. Edge radius made from 110mm OD straight drawn poly (12M len.) with wall thickness of 8.5mm. No release treatment required.
NACELLE PORT SIDE.Weight 8 kgPart 1 off2 * 460 Uni @ 0 & 90 both sides of 12mm GS foam. 45mm radius 2 long sides, reusing poly from Nacelle bottom. Vacuum in bite.On table above is Bottom Panel with induced curve to match lower edge of side. Holes have not been cut through yet.NACELLE STBD SIDE is handed pair to this.
NACELLE DECK.Weight; 10 kgPart; 1 off2 * 460 uni @ 0 & 90 both sides of 20mm foam. Note high density foam for anchor winch, bollard & bow rollers. 2 patches with 2 * 900 uni @ 0 separated by 1 * 460 uni @90 added to I/S to support hardware. This photo shows the layout of the Nacelle with the Muir winch mounted at the rear of the Nacelle instead of the front of the Bridge Deck. Marinedeck 6mm cork has been used to resist wear from the two anchor chains. The forward anchor raising foot switch is mounted in the centre of the 2mm stainless scratch plate. Another foot switch will be located near the winch for the capstan.
This photo shows the modifications to the underside of the Nacelle. The 2 inspections hatches gain access to the 2 forward compartments. The rear one to be used as storage for survival gear in case of a roll over event. The forward one to allow service of anchor rollers, foot switch & blue Superbright LED Flood.
Note the conduit glassed onto the deck edge radius. A SS rod will be inserted for lashing the tramp. Note also, the modification to the underside of the nose section to allow the anchor to be secured closer to the bow.
LED housing 3 * 5mm @ 110dia.
Nacelle weight; 90 kg including winch. Centre of Balance at Station 1