Flybridge Steps
TOTAL WEIGHT; 33kg. Centre of Effort; 200mm behind rear cabin wall.
There are no photos of the set ups and infusion of the step components. The treads were set up on the table using the same technique as the transom steps and the wing deck steps. A tricky exercise with a successful end result. The stringers were vacuum bagged using 2 layers of 20mm foam. The starboard stringer has a conduit inside to carry the wiring for the seven blue courtesy lights. The wiring will exit where the steps pass through the rear wall of the cabin. The top 2 steps will intrude into the bathroom against the side panel which runs perpendicular the the rear wall of the cabin. The steps, which have a rising angle of 60 degrees, only extend into the cockpit area by 800mm with the top point only 260mm inside the bathroom area. 2 small ( 140 wide by 200 high ) shaving shelves will fit under the treads. This will be useful as they are alongside the vanity basin. A wet locker will be created under the stairs for wet suites and wet weather gear.
Day and Night Photos of the Stairs showing the rosewood stair treads